Posts Tagged "business school admissions"

((When a direct supervisor might get upset that you might be leaving…)) There are many candidates who do not feel they can inform their direct supervisor that they are applying to business school, because their direct supervisor might get upset that they will be losing a team member, or because that direct supervisor may even become envious. In either case, candidates are concerned that the direct supervisor will not be supportive of...

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As a rule of thumb, by the time you apply to business school you should list your professional experience first, before you mention your education. Under your education section, of course, you will list where you went to college/graduate school, and how you performed academically. Some MBA candidates have sterling academic credentials, such as a 3.9 GPA, First Class Honors, Magna Cum Laude or Summa Cum Laude honors, etc. Some...

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One-Year Job: Will it Hurt You?

Posted By on Oct 24, 2011

Many people consider the minimum acceptable time on any single job to be two years. Therefore, candidates who have a job that lasted only one year might have concerns about whether this will pose a problem in the MBA admissions process. Whether or not a one-year job will hurt you will depend on various factors. First, was the job intended from the beginning to be a one-year job – an internship of sorts? If so, you probably have no...

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With a 680, Should I Retake the GMAT?

Posted By on Oct 24, 2011

Many candidates study hard for the GMAT. They go into the exam hoping for a score in the 700s and are disappointed to learn their score is in the 600s instead. When the score is in the high-600s, I often hear candidates struggle with a question about whether to re-take the exam. What is my advice, they ask. Well, the advice I offer to an inquiring candidate will be very candidate-specific. The ideal answer depends on who the candidate...

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