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The Best Schools for an Executive MBA (EMBA)
EMBAs are geared toward highly experienced professionals who are looking to gain the most recent and valuable academic knowledge while developing skills in leadership, management, and career development. While many EMBA programs are hosted by schools on a single campus, several of our top-ranked EMBA programs are allied with schools internationally, which often enroll more experienced professionals and emphasize international business. Below are three of the nation’s top EMBA programs – Wharton, Booth, and Kellogg – known not only for their host campus EMBA programs, but for their international joint programs as well.
The Wharton School
For three years, The Wharton School has held the title for U.S. News & World Report’s number one school in the United States for an EMBA. The Wharton EMBA is offered on two campuses: the home Philadelphia campus and a satellite San Francisco campus. This unique factor allows executives and professionals to get the Wharton experience no matter which side of the country they are on. In fact, Wharton professors travel from Philadelphia to San Francisco to teach, which means that a Wharton EMBA student in San Francisco is getting the exact same, full-blown Wharton experience as the EMBA student in Philadelphia. Additionally, the class schedule is shaped around working professionals’ schedules, meeting every other Friday and Saturday over the course of two years. This way, Wharton EMBAs can simultaneously take on newly learned theory and apply it to practice immediately in the work realm. The prestige of the Wharton name and the flexibility and rigor of the curriculum make the Wharton EMBA a one-of-a-kind experience.
Booth School of Business
The Booth EMBA program flaunts the title of being the first and oldest EMBA program in the United States. One key aspect of the Booth experience is that the program strives to bring together a diverse body of students to create a melting pot of varied perspectives and lively debate. For instance, the home Chicago part-time program is held over a 21-month period, bringing together business professionals of the mid-west under one roof for intense collaboration and active learning. Additionally, Booth is the first and only business school to offer an EMBA program on three separate continents: North America, Asia, and Europe. With campuses in Chicago, Singapore and London, Booth has consistently ranked high in the category of the world’s best EMBA program due to its international reach, student satisfaction, and faculty reputation. This also means that no matter where you are in the world, attending the Booth EMBA may not be too far out of reach.
Kellogg School of Management
The Kellogg School of Management EMBA program is particularly unique in its reach: it has campuses at its home Northwestern campus, a sister campus in Miami, and strategic alliances with business schools in Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and Canada. In fact, Kellogg has four of the ten top EMBA programs around the world, three of which are international, including a partnership with the Schulich School of Business at York University in Toronto, Ontario, followed by an EMBA program in Asia with the Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, and in Germany with WHU-Otto Beisheim School of Management. One of the requirements for international EMBA students is that all participants take a four-week overseas assignment, providing students with greater depth and scope of knowledge in their given industry. The breadth and difficulty of Kellogg’s program has not gone unnoticed: Kellogg’s unique position for international alliances coupled with a rigorous curriculum, high quality of faculty, and large percentage of students who receive a promotion upon graduation resulted in Kellogg being named number one by The Economist for the best EMBA program of 2013.