The Stanford Full-Time MBA Program

Posted By SWatts on Jan 4, 2014 |

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The Stanford Full-Time MBA Program

The Stanford full-time MBA program differentiates itself from other programs in three key ways: by fostering analytical thinking, by strengthening personal leadership development, and by encouraging a creative, freethinking spirit.

Because the class size of incoming the Stanford class is usually relatively small (less than 400 incoming students per year), the demographic pool of students is often subject to noticeable variability from year to year. The Class of 2014 student profile, for instance, consisted of an all-time high of 42% minority students, 20% minority representation (a typical minority representation, down from 27% the previous year), 35% women, and a greater breadth of incoming students with background educational experience in engineering and the humanities than in previous years. The small class size and diverse student body ensure that Stanford MBAs get the personal attention needed from administrative staff and professors, as well as have the opportunity to collaborate and exchange ideas with students of very different backgrounds.

Different from many business schools, Stanford Graduate School of Business runs on the quarter system. This means that Stanford students have the opportunity to create more flexible schedules, as schedules are changed every quarter instead of every semester, as well as to take a greater breadth of classes. Another differentiating aspect of Stanford is the Global Experience Requirement. The Stanford Global Experience Requirement takes place between the first and second year and encourages students to gain international work experience. The Global Experience Requirement can be met through a Global Management Immersion Experience, placing students for a summer internship for four weeks outside of the U.S.; through the Stanford-Tsinghua Exchange Program, which pairs Stanford MBA students with Tsinghua MBA students to collaborate on projects over a 9-month period, followed by a weeklong exchange; or through Global Study Trips, where Stanford students trek to various countries each summer to gain insight into various business industries worldwide.

Consistently ranked #1 by U.S. News & World Report in a tied spot with Harvard Business School for the top MBA program in the United States, Stanford offers its students a world-renowned curriculum taught side-by-side with the leaders of business industry. Stanford MBAs walk away with not only new concepts and principles to put into action, but also with the knowledge of how and when to take risks, how to innovate new business models and strategically position a company, and how to differentiate oneself in a company to lead to personal and corporate success.