The Wharton San Francisco Campus

Posted By SWatts on Dec 8, 2013 |

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The Wharton San Francisco Campus

In 2001, the Wharton School extended its presence across the United States by entering San Francisco, where it sought to better connect with west coast business leaders and alumni. In 2012, the San Francisco campus was extended by 30% under a new construction plan and moved to Hills Brothers Plaza on the city’s Embarcadero, purposefully coinciding with the campus’ celebrated 10-year anniversary. In the same year, the campus was decidedly open only to executive MBA students, thus marking the increased emphasis that Wharton plans to have on teaching executives in the Bay Area and in California at large.

Located directly below the Bay Bridge, the Hills Brother Plaza facility provides a panoramic view of the bay that should remind students of the school’s commitment to instilling a global presence in San Francisco, the gateway to the Pacific and the home of Wharton in the west coast. Transferring to the Hills Brother Plaza has opened many new opportunities for innovative, entrepreneurial learning and implemented advanced technology that will aid in connecting the Wharton San Francisco campus directly with the Philadelphia campus. Video conferencing and state-of-the-art communications technologies that allow for interactive outreach, for instance, will be at the fingertips of San Francisco students and educators. Additionally, the new facility has been designed to better facilitate student interaction through conference and study group rooms that build on the Wharton signature leadership learning and provide areas for students to learn about their neighbors’ diverse background.

San Francisco is one of the leading financial and cultural centers in the United States and offers residents and students alike an incomparable experience to grow, diversify, and delve into a wide array of business opportunities that will extend not only citywide, but worldwide as well. The city serves as a model for start-up businesses, with 85% of San Francisco businesses classified as either self-employed companies or companies with less than ten employees. Additionally, because of the city’s close proximity to San Jose and the Silicon Valley, Wharton students are encouraged to connect with the high-tech sectors nearby that serve as models of innovation and entrepreneurial spirit. As such, the Wharton San Francisco campus offers its students an ideal setting for creative thinking, leadership formation, and the opportunity to facilitate personal and professional growth that will unquestionably extend far beyond the campus walls.