MBA Admissions Consultants

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MBA Admit’s Greatest Advantage – Work Directly with Dr. Shelle

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We have had success at all top business schools, including:

Work Directly with Dr. Shelle

Work Directly with Dr. Shelle

All clients of MBA can opt to work directly with our President, Dr. Shellely Watts, a graduate of Harvard College (B.A. degree) and Oxford University...

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#1 Choice for an MBA Consulting Company

#1 Choice for an MBA Consulting Company

MBA candidates chose MBA as their #1 pick for an MBA consulting company every year of the three Beat The GMAT Scholarship contests! From the U.S. to China to...

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Over $25 Million in Scholarships

Given the strength of their applications, our clients are often awarded unsolicited scholarships from $40,000 to full scholarships (over $180,000) to cover MBA tuition and living expenses from schools including Wharton, Columbia, Booth, Tuck, Berkeley, Kellogg, MIT, UCLA, Yale and Cornell.

Other Great Advantages of MBA

With rates nearly 60% lower than those of our direct competitors, we provide exceptional value for your money and an amazing return on investment ROI! We represent “Excellence at an Affordable Price.”
Our success is clear. While many top U.S. business schools reject over 85% of all applicants, we maintain an exceptionally high success rate. Last year, 97% of our comprehensive clients gained admission to one of their top targeted schools. We are expert at admissions to Harvard, Stanford, Wharton, Columbia, Booth, Kellogg, INSEAD, MIT Sloan, UCLA, Haas, Yale, NYU, Duke, INSEAD and others.
As a former McKinsey consultant and Morgan Stanley banker who has published books with different presses in over 20 countries, in languages from Urdu to Mandarin, Dr. Shelle brings knowledge of business and writing excellence to help you craft outstanding applications.
Our tremendous success includes work with re-applying candidates who were rejected previously when applying on their own. With the help of MBA, they gained admission to schools including Harvard, Stanford, Wharton, Kellogg, MIT and Columbia—the same MBA programs from which many of them had been rejected previously when applying without our expertise.
Dr. Shelle’s supreme qualifications and our excellent pricing attracts many EMBA candidates. Our strong record of success extends to EMBA applicants, where each year approximately 99% of our clients gain admission to one of their top two EMBA programs. We enjoy working with all top EMBA programs including Wharton, Stanford MSx, Columbia, Booth, Kellogg, MIT, NYU, Cornell, Haas, UCLA and USC, among others.
Given the expertise Dr. Shelle and her team share with clients, we at MBA have helped candidates with GPAs as low as 2.1, 2.3 and 2.7 to gain admission to top MBA and EMBA programs such as those of Harvard, Stanford, Columbia and Wharton.

“Last year, with so many business school rejections without even an interview, I thought it was all over. I wish I had known about you earlier! I knew as soon as we had our intro call that I was in great hands. Thank you for your dedication and your excellence! Thank you for helping me stand out in the intense Indian pool!  I will be attending my dream school because of you!” – Wharton, Tuck and Columbia Admit

Dr. Watts played an incredible role in my application process. From the first moment we talked during the strategy session, I knew that I was in good hands. She devised a remarkable strategy that capitalized on my strengths and trivialized my weaknesses. Dr. Watts did a tremendous job helping me revise my essays. She gave me concrete feedback regarding areas that needed improvement. In addition, she worked directly with my recommendation writers to help them create an optimal complementary picture of my personality. I couldn’t believe that I was accepted to Columbia considering my low GMAT score! I think it is perfect proof that Dr. Watts is a true strategist. I would warmly recommend her services to any applicant who wants to get into the top-10 MBA programs. – MBA client, admitted to Columbia GSB

I always contemplated joining one of the top MBA programs but was overwhelmed by the rigorous application process and requirements. Not to mention the fact that I didn’t possess the exceptional academic credentials normally required. My undergraduate GPA was lower than a B average. Dr. Watts carefully guided me and helped me strategize through the entire application process. She kept my spirits up in believing in me and thus I was inspired to be more creative and innovative in writing my essays. Dr. Watts, I feel, dedicated more time to my cause than I deserved and now that I’ll be attending Wharton, I’m truly indebted to her. Thank you Dr. Watts for helping me realize my dream! – Wharton and Chicago Booth Admit

Last year I received no interview invites from either Wharton or Harvard, and I worked with one of the most expensive MBA admissions consultant companies out there – a direct competitor of MBA  This year, I worked with MBA and Dr. Shelle and I have admissions at both Wharton and Harvard.  And she prices so much less than competitors!  I have already recommended MBA to others. I will always be indebted to Dr. Shelle!  – Stanford and Wharton Admit

Wharton, Tuck and Columbia Admit: “Dr. Shelle helped me go from rejected without interviews when I applied by myself to accepted with scholarship to my school of first choice, Wharton!  I was referred to Dr. Shelle by a friend who had also had great success with her and her company. I am so glad I worked with her! She helped me develop great applications, but equally importantly she helped me regain my confidence. I cannot recommend her more highly if you are seeking success at your top choice MBA programs. Thank you Dr. Shelle!!”

The strategy session with Dr. Watts was so key that I requested additional sessions throughout my application process…. Although I’m a frugal person, I was so overwhelmed by Dr. Watts’ assistance and guidance that I paid Dr. Watts a bonus, which represented a 50% premium to the price of her services. I believe the prices she charges are understated by at least that much.

– MBA client admitted to Harvard, Wharton, Columbia and Yale

Wharton, Tuck and Columbia Admit: “Dr. Shelle helped me go from rejected without interviews when I applied by myself to accepted with scholarship to my school of first choice, Wharton!  I was referred to Dr. Shelle by a friend who had also had great success with her and her company. I am so glad I worked with her! She helped me develop great applications, but equally importantly she helped me regain my confidence. I cannot recommend her more highly if you are seeking success at your top choice MBA programs. Thank you Dr. Shelle!!”

I cannot believe I got into Harvard with a 2.8 GPA!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU Dr. Watts! My dream has come true thanks to you!

– MBA client admitted to Harvard Business School


– Stanford Admit

“With the help of Dr. Watts, when reapplying I got admitted to ALL top business schools—Harvard, Stanford, Wharton, MIT, Kellogg and Columbia!!! I know what a difference Dr. Watts made. Thank you so much for all your help and support Dr. Watts!!”

– Harvard, Stanford, Wharton, Columbia and MIT Admit

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The MBA Difference!

“Before I met Dr. Shelle, I applied to five different top-10 business schools, including Harvard, and I did not get accepted to a single one. I was desperate and frustrated and thought my whole career was messed up…. I did not recognize the importance of the right strategy and the right keywords. Most importantly, I did not know how to make the best out of my stories. In short, Dr. Shelle helped me to improve my essays enormously. The interesting part was that we were still writing about the same life stories, but were explaining it with different words. Even more importantly, Dr. Shelle helped me to find the right words in my interviews and to see how easy it can be to make an interview a great experience. With the help of Dr. Shelle, when reapplying I got admitted to ALL top business schools—Harvard, Stanford, Wharton, MIT, Kellogg and Columbia!!! I know what a difference Dr. Shelle made. Thank you so much for all your help and support Dr. Shelle!!”